A Lamina Wood post frame building starts with engineered wood columns that support the wall and roof assemblies. These columns form a rigid connection with the ground by using either a precast concrete Perma-Column or cast-in-place foundation such as a frost wall or engineered slab. This creates a stiff interlocking frame that can support walls up to 26 feet in height.
In comparison to competitive pre-engineered steel options, our system offers superior energy performance, quicker lead times and unrivaled economies. Similarly, post frame is the preferred choice over conventional stick framing with greater wall height options, spans and winter construction possibilities.
Post frame construction evolved from simple pioneer-era farm buildings to become the method of choice for many types of buildings. Today's commercial buildings, large-scale farm buildings, churches, medical clinics and warehouses are being built with post-frame construction. Let us show you how a Lamina post frame building will satisfy your requirements.
Those familiar with conventional steel construction and wood frame construction will see that post frame fits nicely between the two and offers many of the advantages of both.

Lamina wood structures offer clear spans of up to 72 feet, sidewall heights of up to 26 feet and lengths to suit. Multi-span buildings can be up to 150 feet wide or greater. Exterior post spacing of 8 feet nominally, allow for large sidewall openings. Our buildings can be constructed as fully or partially open-sided, un-insulated or fully insulated. Although steel siding and roofing offers the best performance and economy, any type of cladding may be used from vinyl to brick veneer.

Post frame leads the way in both initial capital cost and long-term operating costs for a building. Construction timeline and lower material costs result in substantial savings. A more efficient building envelope, with fewer thermal bridges results in a tighter and better insulated building that ultimately results in lower utility bills.

Lamina buildings reduce the use of carbon intensive concrete materials and feature wood structural components that sequester carbon. Our innovative wall assemblies can be designed to incorporate the most advanced energy efficiency components such as phase change materials.